The Importance of Real Estate Press Releases
Press releases are one of the best forms of promotion for several reasons.
Press releases are extremely effective as compared to print advertising. Definitely more bang for the buck.
Press releases have a high credibility (believability) factor as compared to advertising.
Most people interpret a press release as a current news event.
An effective press release can generate tons of free publicity for your business, product, or service.
It will also increase your search engine visibility, for keywords related to your brand.
News releases that include links to your product offering or website can potentially increase your search engine visibility. And the higher your message appears in the search results for related search queries—the more referral business you will generate from the INTERNET.
All the major search engines - including Google, Yahoo Search, MSN, Ask Jeeves and more, typically pickup newsworthy press releases in their search results.
Why would a newspaper print my press release:
Answer: Newspapers and editors/writers are always looking for good content. If your press release is newsworthy-it stands a very good chance of getting printed.
Bottom line is that Google likes Press Releases. They definitely will help the site position if done correctly.